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VNF Security Managers

The OSC Manager Plugin SDK contains the set of APIs that define the functionality OSC expects from a VNF security manager. OSC communicates with the security manager through these interfaces to implement its orchestration and management capabilities. In addition to supporting manager plugins, OSC also exposes REST endpoints for managers to call back in order to send notifications and query information.

OSC and VNF Security Manager

Security Manager Plugin SDK

Manager Information

This is the main entry point for all interactions with the security manager. It provides a way for OSC to instantiate the other manager APIs and basic information:

  • The type of supported authentication.
  • Manager console URL.
  • Provided service name (NGFW, IPS, etc).
  • Availability status of the manager.


Manager Notifications

The notification APIs allow OSC to subscribe to receive notifications from the manager for any changes made by the customer or the manager. An example would be notification of a created/updated policy or an added/modified domain.
OSC supports the following subscription types:

  • Notifications over a web socket connection established by OSC.
  • Notifications using a callback URL which OSC can register.

The plugin implementation can choose to use either of the mechanisms or choose to not implement any notification.

OSC Jobs Notification

OSC can also provide notifications to the manager for actions which the manager wants to track. OSC provides jobs and tasks notifications to the manager.
For example, if the manager needs to propagate a signature file to some devices and wants to track the status of that action (job), then OSC would use the jobs notification APIs to inform the manager about the progress and success/failure of that job.


These APIs allow OSC to manage the devices on the VNF manager. The functionality provided by these API include:

  • CRUD operations for device groups or containers.
  • CRUD operations for devices.
  • Check version validity for appliance upgrades or downgrades.
  • Retrieve device status.
  • Retrieve device bootstrap information. For more details, see Bootstrapping An Appliance

Policy Mapping

This set of APIs is used by OSC to perform CRUD operations on policy-tag(VLAN) mapping within the context of a device container.

Note: This set of APIs is optional.

Security Groups

These APIs are used by OSC to propagate security group information and membership to the managers:

  • Create, update and delete security groups.
  • Update security group members.

Note: This set of APIs is optional.


These APIs are used by OSC to retrieve domain information provided by the managers.

Note: This set of APIs is optional.


These APIs are used by OSC to retrieve policy information provided by the managers.

Note: This set of APIs is optional.

Plugin Properties

In addition to the functionalities mentioned above, this SDK also specificies a set of required properties that must be provided when registering the plugin implementation as an OSGi service. These properties will be used by OSC to identify and correctly use the plugin. For more details and the full list of required properties, see the javadoc of the interface org.osc.sdk.manager.api.ApplianceManagerApi defined by this SDK.

OSC Manager Callback REST APIs

The authentication mode supported by all the APIs below is Basic Auth and the content type is application/json. TODO: application/xml as well?

Notification API

Notifies OSC about registered changes in the manager. The relevant manager connector is derived from the IP address of the HTTP client originating the request.

POST /api/manager/v1/notification


Name Located In Required Description Default Schema
body body yes Notification


Name Type Required Description
eventNotification EventNotification No -


Name Type Required Description
eventObject string Yes Notification object identifier. This will be used when OSC makes calls through the manager plugin.
eventType string Yes Notification object type. This will be used when OSC makes calls through the manager plugin.


Status Code Reason Response Model
200 Success BaseJobResponse
400 Failure ErrorCodeDto

VM Information API

Allows the manager to retrieve virtual machine information using the VM UUID, IP address, MAC address or the Flow 6-field-tuple. The request may include multiple search criteria. The response will contain a map between the VM information found and the respective value of the search criteria.

POST /api/manager/v1/queryVmInfo


Name Located In Required Description Default Schema
body body yes QueryVmInfoRequest

QueryVmInfoRequest Contains a list of IP and/or MAC and/or VM-UUID and/or a map of unique-request-identifier key and flow value.

Name Type Required Description
applianceInstanceName string No The name of the appliance corresponding to the targeted VM
ipAddress string[] No The list of IP addresses for which VM information is queried
macAddress string[] No The list of MAC addresses for which VM information is queried
vmUuid string[] No The list of VM UUIDs for which VM information is queried
flow object No A map of a string key (must be unique) and FlowInfo (5-tuple + timestamp) value for which VM information is queried. The FlowInfo structure comprises: sourceIpAddress, sourcePort, destinationIpAddress, destinationPort, protocolId and flowTimestamp


Status Code Reason Response Model
200 Success QueryVmInfoResponse
400 Failure ErrorCodeDto

QueryVmInfoResponse Contains a map of key/values. The key can be IP address, MAC address, VM UUID or a unique-request-identifier in case of flow based query.

Name Type Required Description
vmInfo object No A map containing the query identifier key (IP, MAC, VM UUID) and the value holding the VM info
flowVmInfo object No A map containing a flow based request unique identifier key and the value holding the VM info

Bootsrapping An Appliance

As part of deployment of the VNF, OSC provides some bootstrapping information to the appliance so it can start up and communicate with its manager. This is achieved by using the configuration drive functionality provided by OpenStack. The config drive attaches to the instance when it boots. The instance can mount this drive and read files from it to get information that is normally available through the metadata service.
It is intended to provide a minimal amount of launch-time personalization. The max size of the file contents is 10KB. OSC allows you to specify a list of multiple files each with their own name and content. For instance, /<MOUNT_POINT>/openstack/content/0000 will contain the first file content as a base64 encoded string which when decoded will have the following information in a key value format:


The above is just a sample. The manager should be able to provide us with any information which it expects to be present in the seed file so it can initialize itself and be able to contact its manager.

Packaging An Appliance

In order for appliance images to be imported in OSC, they must be packaged as a ZIP file along with a descriptor file containing information in JSON format:

Packaging an Appliance Image For OpenStack

OSC Appliance Image Metadata

The file meta.json must be in the root of the folder structure inside the zip file (see image above) and it must contain:

Model: The Model/Name of the device to be displayed on the OSC UI.
Manager Type: This should match plugin name. Manager Version: Version of the manager the appliance is compatible with.
Virtualization Type: OPENSTACK or VMWARE.
Virtualization Version: The version of the virtualization platform the appliance is compatible with.
Appliance Version: The version of the appliance to be displayed on the OSC UI.
Appliance Image Name: The file name of the appliance image inside of the .zip file. OSC Version: The minimum OSC version that supports this appliance.
CPU, Memory and Disk: The resources required by the appliance.
Encapsulation Type: The type of encapsulation to use to provide policy mapping data.
Additional Inspection NIC: True indicates that the appliance needs separate ingress and egress inspection ports as opposed to a single inspection port which handles both ingress and egress traffic.
Image Properties: Key-value pairs of properties to be consumed by the virtualization environment, i.e.: OpenStack image properties like hw_disk_bus.
Configuration Properties: Key-value pairs of properties used to provide information to the device during bootstrapping.

Below is an example of a json containing this information:

	"metaDataVersion": "1.1",
	"model": "IPS-VM100-VSS",
	"managerType": "ISM",
	"managerVersion": "1.0",
	"virtualizationType": "OPENSTACK",
	"virtualizationVersion": "Icehouse",
	"softwareVersion": "0.2",
	"imageName": "snort_disk-20150626002613.qcow2",
	"minIscVersion": {
		"major": 2,
		"minor": 5,
		"build": 3651,
		"versionStr": ""
	"minCpus": 4,
	"memoryInMb": 6144,
	"diskSizeInGb": 50,
	"encapsulationTypes": ["VLAN"],
"additionalNicForInspection": true,
	"imageProperties": {
		"hw_disk_bus": "ide"
	"configProperties": {
		"applianceModel": "IPS-VM100-VSS",
		"applianceSoftwareVersion": "0.2"